A lunch celebrating International Women’s Day has raised £1,200 for local cancer support charity força.
New Forest businesswomen gathered to raise money and hear inspiring female speakers over lunch at Carey’s Manor, Brockenhurst.
Organiser Vicky Ryce, Founder of Let’s Talk Communications, said “I’m passionate about International Women’s Day because it champions positive change and gives us the opportunity to come together and
celebrate successes”.

Donna Jones, Police Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and Rebecca Leppard, Founder of Upgrading Women spoke at the event.
Organisers Let’s Talk Communications were overwhelmed with the generosity of other local businesses offering prizes for the event’s raffle helping raise £1,200 for the charity.
“I’m passionate about International Women’s Day because it champions positive change and gives us the opportunity to come together and celebrate successes”
Vicky Ryce, Founder of Let’s Talk Communications
Donations and supporters of the event include; Careys Manor Hotel and Spa, New Forest Aromatics, Orchids Retreat, Revive Hair & Beauty, Best Garage Lymington, SL Beauty, Floral Fleurtations, New Forest Shortbread, Cyclexperience, Astrid Davies Consulting, New Forest Activities, Beaulieu National Motor Museum, The New Forest Hamper Company, Manns Cookies and Francesco Group.
The event took place at Carey’s Manor Hotel and Spa on March 08 2023.
Find out more about the Lymington charity força at: www.forcaagainstcancer.org.uk.
Featured image left to right: Rebecca Leppard, Clare Haylett, Rebecca Brockwell, Terry Norton, Vicky Ryce, Ellie Partridge, Louise Partridge, Catherine Hopkinson, Tor Campling.
Image credit: Carrie Bugg Photography.