Fully Woolly has opened its doors bringing knitting and crochet back to the Waterside area.
A former wool shop had closed down leaving disappointed knitting fans with no other options nearby.
The stylish Fully Woolly store welcomes new and experienced knitters of all ages.
Owner Claire Proud said: “Hythe is a great place for a knitting shop. There used to be one here so there are a lot of knitters nearby.”
“The launch has gone really well and we’re really looking forward to hosting workshops here soon too!”
Prior to opening the store, Proud had been living in New Zealand for two years with her fiancé.
She said: “I absolutely loved my job there in a knitting shop. I was surrounded by knitting all day every day.
“When we decided to move back to the UK, I didn’t know what I wanted to do as a job, so my fiancé suggested I open my own knitting shop. And here we are!”
“The launch has gone really well and we’re really looking forward to hosting workshops here soon too!”
Claire Proud, Fully Woolly
The Hythe High Street store is part of a new building built during the Covid lockdown and was formerly used as a photography studio.
The shop will sell well-known knitting brands including Rowan and West Yorkshire Spinners and yarns imported from New Zealand.
For more information on the store go to www.fullywoolly.co.uk.